If you are a new student interested in checking out classes please fill out the waiver and email Jenny to determine which class is right for you.
Many Roads offer classes for every level and whether this is your first martial arts class, or you have been practicing for decades we have something for you. Try our free week of unlimited classes to try out any classes that interest you!
Class Recommendations
For a great workout with punching, kicking, weapons, and more:
Lower Belt Kung Fu
Thursdays: Park: 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Saturdays: Park: 11:15 am - 12:15 pm
Introduction to Shaolin Kung Fu with a focus on fundamental footwork, stances, and techniques. Beginner and experienced martial artists welcome.
Kali Fundamentals
Saturdays: Park: 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Introduction to Filipino martial arts using a range of weapons including sticks, daggers, and swords. Beginner and experienced martial artists welcome.
For improving balance, coordination, reducing stress, and meditation:
Yang Tai Chi with Myk
Sundays: Park: 3pm – 4pm
This Tai Chi class is focused on the health benefits of Tai Chi practice. This class is for all ages and is perfect for all levels of physical ability.
Sun Style Internal Arts
Sundays: Park: 10am – 11am
Sun internal style focuses on minimal movements and proper weight distribution and body alignment. This material can be challenging and may not be suitable for all beginners.
Chen Tai Chi Fundamentals with Joel
Tuesdays: Park: 6pm - 7:30pm
This limited-edition class will be a comprehensive overview of Chen Tai Chi principles. Each class will focus on a different posture each week.
For more experienced students who are looking for a challenge:
Sun Style Internal Arts
Sundays: Park: 10am – 11am
Sun internal style focuses on minimal movements and proper weight distribution and body alignment. This material can be challenging and may not be suitable for all beginners.
Advanced Kung Fu
Saturdays: Park: 9am - 11am
This class is for students that have successfully completed all three levels of the Lower Belt Kung Fu class.
Hunyuan Chen Taijiquan Broadsword with Myk
Saturdays: Park: 2pm - 3:30pm
We'll be learning the 38 step Hunyuan Chen Taijiquan Broadsword form. This form is heavily reliant on the concepts of silk-reeling, Yin and Yang interchange, and power through softness. Students will need to arrive with a broadsword.
Tai Chi Chuan Ruler Training and Form with Myk
Mondays: Park: 6pm - 7pm
This year's special Tai Chi weapons class will be Ruler training and a short form based on the Wudang Eight Immortals Iron Flute - as translated to Yang Style Taijiquan by Master Jesse Tsao. Each student will need a Ruler (Bang in Chinese (rhymes with song)). The Ruler is a simple, round wooden stick. The best Rulers are simple sticks with a slight heft. Come have some fun. Previous Taijiquan experience is not required.