
If you are a new student interested in checking out classes please fill out the waiver and email Jenny to determine which class is right for you.

Many Roads offer classes for every level and whether this is your first martial arts class, or you have been practicing for decades we have something for you. Try our free week of unlimited classes to try out any classes that interest you!

Class Recommendations

For a great workout with punching, kicking, weapons, and more:

Lower Belt Kung Fu

Thursdays: Park: 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Saturdays: Park: 11:15 am - 12:15 pm

Introduction to Shaolin Kung Fu with a focus on fundamental footwork, stances, and techniques. Beginner and experienced martial artists welcome.

These adult focused classes are perfect for all students that are looking for an introduction into Shaolin Kung Fu. Material is divided into three belt levels (white, yellow,and blue) with each level building on the previous level and includes elements of Northern and Southern Fist, animal styles, and introduces weapons work with staff and short stick. The main focus of the class is on proper stances, footwork, and other fundamentals that form the foundation for further training. This class is perfect for someone searching for a good workout and who wants to have fun and learn at the same time.

Kali Fundamentals

Saturdays: Park: 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm

Introduction to Filipino martial arts using a range of weapons including sticks, daggers, and swords. Beginner and experienced martial artists welcome.

The Kali class at Many Roads draws from the Martial Concepts blend of Filipino Martial Arts. This class primarily focuses on the 12 areas of Kali, with emphasis on use of the single stick or sword, double stick/sword, single dagger, stick/sword and dagger, and empty hand applications. Each weapon combination reinforces skills and body mechanics that serve in the other areas, as well. We'll learn attacks, defenses, disarms, throws, joint locks, and grappling techniques from armed and unarmed perspectives. This class is good for beginners and advanced students alike, anyone who's interested in learning with an open mind. Students will need a pair of rattan sticks; some are available to borrow. (For safety purposes, no other woods as they are more prone to splintering and breaking).

For improving balance, coordination, reducing stress, and meditation:

Yang Tai Chi with Myk

Sundays: Park: 3pm – 4pm

This Tai Chi class is focused on the health benefits of Tai Chi practice. This class is for all ages and is perfect for all levels of physical ability.

Sun Style Internal Arts

Sundays: Park: 10am – 11am

Sun internal style focuses on minimal movements and proper weight distribution and body alignment. This material can be challenging and may not be suitable for all beginners.

Myk is teaching a Tai Chi class focused on the health benefits of Tai Chi. This class is perfect for all ages and ability levels. When done properly, Tai Chi is an exception aerobic exercise which improves cardiac function, increases core strength, heightens balance, opens joints, and aids in overall mobility. If you have any physical limitations Myk can work with you to make sure you get the most out of this class. For more information contact Myk Olsen directly at

Sun Style is derived from Sun Lu Tang. He developed his Tai Chi form after extensive study of Ba Gua and Xing Yi. A distillation of each styles principles and techniques, Sun focuses on mindful awareness of minimal movements, proper weight distribution and body alignment. The class is led by Jamie Tan and assisted by Jay Twitchell on Tuesdays. On Fridays and Sundays Jay reviews the weeks material focusing on application. Sun is well suited for people concerned with physical and mental balance and does not seek to develop exceptional strength or speed. Previous Tai Chi or martial arts experience is not required, though the pace and complexity of the material may at first seem advanced to beginners.

Chen Tai Chi Fundamentals with Joel

Tuesdays: Park: 6pm - 7:30pm

This limited-edition class will be a comprehensive overview of Chen Tai Chi principles. Each class will focus on a different posture each week.

For more experienced students who are looking for a challenge:

Sun Style Internal Arts

Sundays: Park: 10am – 11am

Sun internal style focuses on minimal movements and proper weight distribution and body alignment. This material can be challenging and may not be suitable for all beginners.

Advanced Kung Fu

Saturdays: Park: 9am - 11am

This class is for students that have successfully completed all three levels of the Lower Belt Kung Fu class.

Advanced Kung Fu is for students that have successfully tested through the three lower belt levels. In these classes we focus on continuing to develop the skills from the lower belt material while introducing new material and focusing more on individual styles. Each month focuses on a different form and the annual rotation includes tiger, bird, and crane animal styles, northern and southern fist, and training with double and single ended staffs, broadswords, kwan dao and sai. This annual rotation is used to help each student improve their skills and provide a supportive training environment to help every student learn to recognize and adapt their own strengths and weaknesses.

Hunyuan Chen Taijiquan Broadsword with Myk

Saturdays: Park: 2pm - 3:30pm

We'll be learning the 38 step Hunyuan Chen Taijiquan Broadsword form. This form is heavily reliant on the concepts of silk-reeling, Yin and Yang interchange, and power through softness. Students will need to arrive with a broadsword.

Class focuses on the 38 step Hunyuan Chen Taijiquan Broadsword form. This form is heavily reliant on the concepts of silk-reeling, Yin and Yang interchange, and power through softness. It can be physically demanding initially but will soften as the student becomes more familiar with utilizing Hunyuan (primal essence (qi)) Chen Taiji principles to translate intent into movement. Students will need to arrive with a broadsword. There is no difference between wood, polypropylene, and steel when training. All options are welcome as long as they are not sharpened.

Tai Chi Chuan
Ruler Training and Form with Myk

Mondays: Park: 6pm - 7pm

This year's special Tai Chi weapons class will be Ruler training and a short form based on the Wudang Eight Immortals Iron Flute - as translated to Yang Style Taijiquan by Master Jesse Tsao. Each student will need a Ruler (Bang in Chinese (rhymes with song)). The Ruler is a simple, round wooden stick. The best Rulers are simple sticks with a slight heft. Come have some fun. Previous Taijiquan experience is not required.

Myk is offering another short term short weapons form summer spectacular. This year we'll be learning Ruler training and a short form based on the Wudang Eight Immortals Iron Flute - as translated to Yang Style Taijiquan by Master Jesse Tsao. Each student will need a Ruler (Bang in Chinese (rhymes with song)). The Ruler is a simple, round wooden stick. The ideal length is the length of your palm to your elbow with a diameter from 1 inch to 1.5 inches. A usable length can be from 13 to 17 inches but must be of plain design. Gentle curves and bumps are fine but heavy fluting and sweeping curves will make the Ruler unusable. I will have a few extras but please do your best to get a basic one from any of our online retailers. The best Rulers are simple sticks with a slight heft. Come have some fun. Previous Taijiquan experience is not required.